Recipe for an easy peasy cake

This cake is so awesome it gets better each day. I haven't mastered to keep it longer than 3 days in my kitchen (what is the reason for baking if not eating it with friends and family or alone at night with your favorite episode of Friends on?) but, man, was this cake delicious and tasty on day two. And you might have guessed it by now, day three was even better. I'd challenge you to hold yourself of eating this piece of heaven, but I just have massive understanding for cake-craving.
This recipe is so simple, you can get away with one bowl and one spatula to clean. There is no need to mess up your kitchen. And, you might have all the ingredients at home and won't have to rush out to get fresh thyme or something. It's made with brown sugar, flour, milk, eggs and any kind of berries. Yup nothing more, it is that easy.

Don't let the simplicity of preparing this cake fool you, it's a fine specimen of cake. Very rich in taste, and moist - goes swell with coffee for lunch or for some late night study-sessions.

The recipe is from hummingbird bakery's cookbook. I made a few changes like switching white with brown sugar and using organic yogurt or fresh milk instead of cream.

190 g unsaltened butter at room temperature
190 g brown sugar
3 free range eggs
190 g all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon of baking powder
1/4 teaspoon of salt
25 g milk / yogurt
120 g (or more:)) berries, fresh or frozen

Heat your oven to 175 degree Celsius. Butter a long square cake tin generously and scatter flour.
In a bowl mix butter with sugar on high speed until fluffy. Add eggs - one at a time. If you like, mix dry ingredients in a separate bowl and sift first half into prepared batter. Add milk/yogurt and remaining amount of the dry ingredients. Mix on low speed in between each addition.

It is time to add the berries. Pour dough into cake tin and let bake for 50-55 minutes.
If you use a round instead of a long square tin, the dough might need longer till it is done(60-65 minutes in total).

Now enjoy your free time till you're cake is done - make some coffee and pat yourself on your shoulder for doing such a great job [nobody has to know it was this easy].


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