Day one in süleymanie
First stop: the mandatory visit to the mosque in süleymanie called süleymanie camisi. After having been the capital of culture 2010, the government started the project of renovating this beautiful building and now - lucky for us- has finally finished.The most important thing you have to do if you're lucky enoughto pay a visit at süleymanie camie is
1 Enter it.Take it ALL in. Enjoy the art in silence.
2 Watch a prayer (as moslems pray fıve times a day, your chances are really high to see one- İf you can attend a morning prayer on friday-absolutely breathtaking.)
3 Exit it through the main entrance and you will be welcomed by a couple of eating places who all offer the same traditional food: beans and rice. Go to the first one in the corner- it is not only the oldest but also the best place to dine süleymania-like. Order beans (kurufasülye) and turkish rice (pilav) with joghurt and ayran (housemade) to drink.
4 After you have finished the main course, order deserts: kabak tatlısı which is made of pumpkin (if you want to try it at home click here.) and turkish tea. İ swear you'll never forget the taste of that delicious pumpkin...

5 If you should still be able to eat some more buy these pretty chestnuts on your way back:

5 If you should still be able to eat some more buy these pretty chestnuts on your way back:
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