What to eat for breakfast

Day 1: REALLY HEALTHY breakfast with kiwis, berries, nuts and good old whole wheat bread

Day 2: EAT HEALTHY again - finnish bread with egg and salmon & black coffee

Day 3: TRY SOMETHING NEW Quinoa prepared with milk and served with berries
Day 4: GO OUT but continue eating healthy. Try Panther Cafebarkitchen in Hamburg. Add a Mango Lassie & feel overly confident about your health.
Day 5: Screw all your plans and go HAVE SOME CAKE with a friend and nice Café latte at the coffee shop around the corner. You don't have to be picky - cake is nearly everywhere you go the best dessert. 
Day 6: Feel bad about last night's midnight snacking and TREAT YOURSELF SOME PLAIN OLD COFFEE. Black.
Day 7: Agree to COMBINE healthy & sweet - you do not have to give up completely, you know.


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