Our first day continues with experiences in Taksim

Just a number of images that hopefully can give impressions of this part of istanbul.
The rest of our evening was spend shoppping at MAVI JEANS and TOPSHOP with a short trip to a fısh bazaar and at the end found ourselves in the middle of a protest by a couple of students in the most peaceful way possible: singıng and dancing.It was pretty loud and cheerful- suceeded in being an attraction to all of us and was able to stop the sıngle way traın whıch ıs THE attraction you get in Taksim besides turkish celebrity spoting and music stores (ın my poınt of vıew anyways but I totally thınk Sheldon would agree on the matter of the importance of trains). I love every square of Taksims might it be the variety of fashion shops or the number of unique cafes (see Time Out İstanbul for further information) and I always have the tendency to fall ın love wıth a cat on the street coz they are just too bloody cute.


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